We are residents of Daufuskie Island who have formed a task force to provide islanders with a written course of action that can be implemented when a loved one dies on Daufuskie. With Daufuskie’s unique position as an island without a bridge, many islanders have concerns about how to handle end-of-life issues and transport of the deceased. And importantly, with the Beaufort County attorney’s county-wide mandate that emergency vehicles cannot be used to transport the deceased, we needed to determine how our specific transportation needs could be met. Hence, our interest in providing a step-by-step guide to help Daufuskie Islanders with the process.
We developed these guidelines after having conversations with islanders who have the background and community involvement to contribute relevant information on this sensitive subject. Everyone wanted to make the transportation process as fluid and efficient as possible for all concerned. An integral part is transferring the deceased from Daufuskie to Hilton Head and possibly beyond.
These guidelines and a listing of area funeral homes have beenn give to Pastor Aaron Crosby for dissemination to his congregation and they have been posted on the Daufuskie Island Council website and the Haig Point member web site (Vendor Directory). In addition, we have sent a letter of explanation and copy of these guidelines to the area funeral homes. We hope this information will be helpful to all.
Update in 2020 by:
Dr. Carole Rizzo Baum, DIFD Commissioner
Nancy Ludtke, DIFD Commissioner
Erin Quinn, DIFD
Originally Compiled in 2017 by:
Carol Humphreys
Gary Stewart
Ginny Teerlink